Tuesday, April 14, 2009

KIds With Guns

As a avid gamer, I have always loved shooter games. But with new ones coming out, I feel they are becoming to violent and teaching kids the wrong message. To kids a Ak-47, is just a AK. Most will tell you its a good gun on Call of Duty 4. A new game called Operation 7 is one of the most violent ones. Even though they require you to be 18 or older that doesn't stop young kids. I have found many young kids on the game, some as young as 11. Simply enter a false birthdate and your in. See the guns are a problem but also how the players die in the games. FEAR Combat is the worst one, leaving a gallon of blood sprayed on the wall or floor. This game is M rated but just as Operation 7 enter your birthdate saying you 18 and your in. Most games host a wide variety of weapons some that in real life cost thousands of dollars. Young kids can get their hands on 50. cals and RPG's. With this weapons they are suppose to kill other players with them. What is this teaching them?